meta property="fb:pages" content="1458163954226738" /> Netizens Journals: A Boy With A Disfigured Face Abandoned By Parents- Look At Him After 30 Years

Wednesday, November 15, 2017

A Boy With A Disfigured Face Abandoned By Parents- Look At Him After 30 Years


Have you ever  heard about Treacher Collins Syndrome? It is a genetic disorder that occurs in about one in 50,000 people. It is characterized by deformities of the ears, eyes, cheekbones, and chin. The degree a person is affected, however, may vary from mild to severe. Complications may include breathing problems, problems seeing. Cleft palate and hearing loss. Those affected generally have a normal intelligence.

Jono Lancaster who was born with the genetic condition was deserted by her biological parents thirty-six hours after he was born because of the way he looked.

Jono explained during the 2015 NORD Breakthrough Summit:

“I was born with a genetic condition that affects my facial features. I have no cheekbones, and so my eyes dip down. I love my little ears, they don’t get cold at night. But I do need hearing aids.”

“When I was born, [my birth parents] were in total shock. I was out of the hospital 36 hours after I was born. Social services found someone to look after me. The foster carer was a lady called Jean.”

Despite all Jean’s efforts to reconnect Jono with his biological parents, her letter were returned unanswered. So, on May 18th, 1990, Jean adopted Jono herself.

Jono admitted in an interview that growing up was difficult for him, despite the fact that he has a loving foster parent. He said:

“I kind of felt like I was on my own, and I felt like I was the only one out in the world that was like me. People are lucky enough to win the lottery or they become professional footballers, doctors, lawyers, but, why did I have to end up looking like this?”

Jono becomes an inspiration and hope to all children who are affected by different kinds of disability as he travels around the world to spend time with them. He presently has 84.4k followers on Facebook,12.4k Twitter followers, and 61.2k follower on Instagram,and he continues to inspire people across the globe.

He also finds true love with a pretty blonde named Laura, whom he met while he was working in a gym. They recently owned a house in Normanton,West Workshire.

Photo Credit: Via Faceboook/@Jono Lancaster

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